lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Estremece al mundo la foto de una bebé con un cuchillo al cuello en Siria

La imagen de la niña fue encontrada en el celular de un terrorista de Estado Islámico muerto. Se teme que la hayan decapitado, junto a su familia.

KOBANI, Siria.- La imagen muestra a una niña, que no debe tener más de un año, con un cuchillo apoyado en el cuello y una mano que le sostiene la cabeza. La bebé llora desconsolada. 

De la foto y de la niña no se sabe nada más, solo que estaba guardada en el celular de un terrorista de Estado Islámico, muerto durante los combates en la ciudad siria de Kobani, la ciudad que los kurdos defienden a sangre y fuego del avance de los yihadistas, en la frontera con Turquía. 

Se teme que la niña haya sido finalmente decapitada junto a toda su familia, mulsulmanes alevíes, una rama del Islam perseguida por los fanáticos del Estado Islámico, consignó el diario "Infobae". 

Otras fotos recuperadas de los teléfonos sì muestran decapitaciones y a yihadistas que juegan al fùtbol con las cabezas cortadas a sus vìctimas.

1 comentarios:

  1. Weird, Syria - Terrorists kill one-daughter, previously they slaughtered her parents. Who can forget this plea for life of this girl. I'm like a little girl attended the cattle quadrupeds, and when the head is screwed ram for slaughter, I saw his eyes, and through that eye, I saw so much I could write books and books. Never can I forget about it, smashing it is, but whoever it with a rush of insight carefully see, for all the time he opens the knowledge that reduces seen in the shock, and makes no ability to act again, was completed for both the two worlds. But people become mass butchers and people, and become butchers. This little girl and thousands of other children and women are meat, sacrifice, the meat of reason who is lost in his flesh greed. So the man only meat that is a complete instrument in the act contradictions of reason, who reveals himself as a carefree walkers with their meat through this human sacrifice, which is its design-project of reason which is the meat of the second instrument handling meat as a function of flesh. The reason is the germ of evil with his project, which has caused these sacrifices throughout the state and nation, therefore the flesh of another in an ecstasy of his own flesh, which is that we see it, and it is here with its fleshy materiality-wealth and greed . This huge passion for personal enrichment has created indifference to the victim of another, and, more liberated the possibility of man-animal pathology to kill with impunity, and raising hell that appears necessary concerning the evil committed, which is used to project the mind. And finally introduces a heck of a horde of evil terrorists, fascists and Zionists cruel heart, and the heart of the ovakog greedy wealth whose cynicism and hardness of heart, no different from criminals. Such a heart should be in the human world that breeds contempt in the recognition, but people quietly watching all this, so the triumph sacrifices hell am not allowed to go out of the circle of hell in which we find ourselves.
